盛培琪是沈阳音乐学院客座教授。盛培琪教授毕业于北京舞蹈学院教育系,主修中国古典舞,获文学学士学位。曾任教于北京舞蹈学院后受聘于香港演艺学院,现任香港演艺学院舞蹈学院中国舞系主任,教授。曾担任香港康乐文化署舞蹈艺术顾问、香港艺术发展局舞蹈艺术顾问、香港舞蹈总会艺术顾问。1995年获美国“lisabeth Luce Moore”奖学金,赴美考察,为“艺术教育领导才能训练计划”成员之一。从事中国舞教学三十多年,涉及课程内容有中国古典舞徒手身韵、袖舞、剑舞、基训、演出实践、教学法、传统素材学习。同时主编出版教程,与其他艺术家合作,创作及演出。
Sheng Peiqi is a visiting professor of Shenyang Conservatory of Music. Professor Sheng Peiqi graduated from the Department of Education, Beijing Dance Academy, majoring in Chinese classical dance and received a Bachelor of Arts degree. She once taught at the Beijing Dance Academy and was then employed by the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. Now she is the director and professor of the Chinese Dance Department of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. In 1995, she was awarded the “Elisabeth Luce Moore” scholarship of the United States and went to the United States to study as one of the members of the " Arts Education Leadership Training Program". She engaged in Chinese dance teaching for more than 30 years, involving course content of the body rhythm of Chinese classical dance, sleeve dance, sword dance, basic training, performance practice, teaching method and traditional materal leaming. At the same time, she edits and publishes tutorials and works with other artists to create and perform.
Awarded: Her work “Red River water” won the Being Dance Academy New Classic Dance Classical Award. She also won the "Tao Li Cup” instructor award, the fourth "Tao Li Cup” dance competition prize, the third and fourth "Tao Li Cup” Dance Competition instructor awards. She was the choreographer and performer of “Liang Zhu"and “Jiang He Shui” in 1989 and won the “Excellent Choreography and Outstanding Performance Award” of “New Works for New Talent” by the Chinese Ministry of Culture. She once served as a Dance Art Consultant with the Hong Kong Leisure and Cultural Servces Department, a Dance Art Consulant with the Hong Kong Arts Development Council and an Artistic Consultant with the Hong Kong Dance Federation.