德尔福·梅尼库奇,沈阳音乐学院客座教授,意大利米兰音乐学院声乐教授。他以优异的成绩毕业于意大利卢卡音乐学院,曾跟随包括C. Berberian, L. Gencer, R. Celletti, G. Di Stefano, S. Sforni Corti e Rina Del Monaco等在内的多位世界级大师学习。在他的职业生涯中,曾多次在国家和国际级的比赛中获奖,其中包括欧洲级的比赛AS.LI.CO、欧洲级热那亚市立歌剧院歌唱比赛、意大利兰恰诺歌唱比赛等。他在多个剧院扮演了62个歌剧角色,其中包括卢卡的百合剧院、都灵皇家剧院、热那亚卡洛费切剧院、威尼斯凤凰剧院等。在欧洲,他曾用8种语言进行过200多场不同类型的音乐会。他也曾为包括Ricordi、Frequenz在内的多家出版社录制唱片。此外,他还同时在多家机构担任歌剧指导及合唱团的指挥,其中包括米兰威尔第音乐学院、卢卡音乐学院、都灵意大利广播电视合唱团、瑞士卢加诺音乐学院等。
Delfo Menicucci is a visiting professor at shenyang music college, vocal music professor of Conservatorio Giuseppe Verdi di MILANO. He graduated in singing with honors at the conservatory "L. Boccherini "of Lucca, Italy. He has studied with many world-class masters including C. Berberian, L. Gencer, R. Celletti, G. Di Stefano, S. Sforni Corti e Rina Del Monaco and others. In his career, he has won many awards at national and international level competition, including the European competition AS.LI.CO, the European-style Genova City Opera Singing Competition, and the Italian Lanciano singing competition and so on. He played 62 operatic roles in many theatres, including Teatro del Giglio(Lucca),Teatro Regio, Teatro Carlo Felice(GENOVA), Gran Teatro La Fenice(Venezia) and so on. In Europe, he has performed more than 200 different types of concerts in eight languages. He also recorded for a number of publishing houses including Ricordi and Frequenz. In addition, he also served as a director of opera instruction and choir in several institutions, including Conservatorio Giuseppe Verdi di MILANO, Istituto musicale pareggiato Luigi Boccherini di LUCCA, Italian Radio and TV Choir of Turin, Lugano Conservatory of Switzerland and so on.